Monday, July 13, 2015


Event Poem!!!

A small poem I wrote while proof-reading the Full Moon event:
Lunar Love
Light of the Moon shine down.
Light of love flow around.
Little ones sleep below.
Her loving light and healing glow.
Negative feeling burst away.
And keep loving light until the day.
The moon shines with loving light.
All throughout the starry night.
-Emma Anne

Loving energy to all of you for the day~

Hello my dears! Just wanted to stop by a wish you all a loving day! My love to all of you!
Golden beams of light.
Shining down so bright.
Warming, relaxing heat.
As you stay comfortable in your seat.
Loving wings surround you.
Even when you feel blue.
Allow the Sun to find your soul.
Be as gentle or as energetic as the newly born foal.
Loving you forever and more.
Let your negativity pour.
From rays of love.
From the higher power above.
-Emma Anne